The CPW Yard Sign Campaign is Here!
November 19, 2021
The CPW Yard Sign Campaign is Here!
November 19, 2021
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Our children need nature for their healthy development, and they need our beloved parks to be safe and healthy.  Jenny Morgan, co-founder of the Leave No Child Inside Central Ohio Collaborative, is passionate about park preservation, and she is working with others to save our Ohio parks from the dangers of gas and oil drilling.  In January, 2023, Governor DeWine signed a Bill into law that mandates the gas and oil drilling of our Ohio parks.  HB 507 was passed without a public hearing during a lame duck session.
One idea Jenny has put forth to help save our parks is something she calls “Save Our Parks Saturdays.”   The idea is being ironed out, but it’s a simple idea:  Every Saturday from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m park lovers can take a few moments to stand up for the health and safety of our parks.  The idea is for park lovers to stand at the entrance of any park, local, city, or state park.  One can stand for 15 minutes, for 30 minutes or for an hour.   One can stand up for parks before a hike, or after a picnic.
As Jenny puts it:  “It’s important that we make our voices heard so that the small number of lawmakers that made this bad decision begin to realize that park lovers, the campers, hikers, fisherman, hunters and families do not want to be exposed to the many dangers associated with gas and oil drilling.”
Jenny wants to encourage families to engage children to make creative signs that they can hold while they demonstrate at a park entrance.  “It is a great chance to teach children how to get civically engaged.”
More information, along with the official launch of “Save Our Parks Saturdays,” will be coming soon.

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